First, free stuff for you!
"A Legendary Snooze," is a fairy tale flash fiction I had published in the August issue of Mystic Signals. It's free online, but it's also in print (I strongly suggest you pick up a copy to get the excusive content not available on the web). Check it out!
Also, "Broken," a drabble I wrote was published in the August/September issue of The Were-Traveler Magazine. You can read it online for free, as well.
Next - big news!
At long last, RED RUN will be unleashed on the world! The book is being published by Alterna Comics, and should be on Comixology in time for Halloween! It'll also be available in print, and I can hook you up, if you're interested. A small preview can be seen here.
RED RUN is a long-time coming, as friends, fans and followers will recall. Once again, my sincere thanks go out to everyone who donated to the IndieGoGo campaign or helped spread the word about it.
So, I will see you there and if I don't, welp, you're missing out!