I chatted with Byron Brewer over at Cosmic Book News, and you can read it here. Lots of stuff on my upcoming projects. http://comics.cosmicbooknews.com/content/brandon-barrows-interview
I also did an interview for Kitty's Pryde with their editor John Withers http://www.kittyspryde.com/?p=9737. We discussed the future of comics, and the current state of the independent comics scene.
Next, I'm told both Extraordinary #1 and Reasonably Priced Comics #2 are going to press next week, so look for those soon.
Extraordinary has the first "Hound" story I wrote and, as you may recall, takes place in the same continuity as Jack Hammer.
RPC #2 contains the second installment of Voyaga. Dean begins his exploration of world of the 31st century, and it's not exactly what he expected.
That's it for now, but check back soon. I got a ton of stuff coming down the pike this year.