Firstly, there's a new free comic up - "Is This...HELL?" You can click the link below to go right to it, check the "Free Comics" link above or continue on reading this update for a little background.
Some of you will notice that the art was done by Joel Cotejar, the artist on my upcoming horror book RED RUN. This is an early piece Joel and I did together, and I think you'll find his style works very well for it.
On to RED RUN. If you've been with me awhile and reading updates, you'll know that Joel had a pretty rotten 2012; a series of disasters (literal in two cases) frequently prevented him from working on the book. He has had a couple more minor set backs recently, but he is still plugging away at the book. The line art is done and the book is more than half colored and lettered. We're on our way and I'm looking for a publisher.
In other news - I've been doing a lot of non-comics writing lately, mostly short stories and some poetry as well as a novella I've working on the last few weeks. Things are starting to heat up, as they say, and I have a number of short fiction pieces and poems that will be published this spring, summer and fall. I'll update this space with those as they're available, but keep an eye on your favorite sci-fi and fantasy 'zines (print and digital) for my name.
That's it for now, but check back soon. I will definitely be back soon.