If you aren't used to order stuff from your local comic shop out of Previews, I've created this handy little order form you can print out and take into where ever you buy your comics and have them order it for you.
I know this may not seem important, as a lot of folks just assume their comic shop will get the book, anyway, but unfortunately that is not always true with independent comics. There are so many things out there, retailers have to pick and choose what they carry and your local shop may not order Voyaga if they don't hear people telling them they want it! So if you are at all interested, please take a copy of the form below into your shop and order it so they'll know you want it and maybe, hopefully, will become intrigued themselves and order additional copies!
Voyaga at Things from Another World
Voyaga at Midtown Comics
Voyaga at Westfield Comics
Voyaga at Lone Star Comics
Voyaga at Comics Infinity
Voyaga at Archonia (EU)
And that's just a small sample of what I've found, so please choose your site of choice and order away! And remember, these orders are time sensitive, so make sure you get them in before the last week of August when the next Previews comes out!