I wrote a guest strip for the webcomic Next Door. It was drawn by the very talented Jay Townsend. Check it out for yourselves here www.nextdoorcomics.com It should still be on the first page. My first foray into webcomics! Wheee!
Next, I'll be attending Boston Comic Con exactly a month from today; April 29th to May 1st (though the con technically runs the 30th and 1st, I'll be in Boston on the 29th). Tables assignments are being doled out in the first couple weeks of April and I'll let you know mine as soon as I get it.
If you're looking to chat, for books I've worked on or maybe an autograph for a copy you already have, swing on by and see me. I'll have copies of Jack Hammer: Political Science #1 and #2, Extraordinary #1, Reasonably Priced Comics #1 as well as #2.
That brings me to....the release of RPC#2 is 4/6/11! It contains the second installment of Voyaga (2 of 4), as well as two stand alone tales. As an added bonus, Reasonably Priced Comics is having a sale on digital copies of RPC#1 in their store. 24 pages of comics for only $0.49. Seriously, tere's good stuff in there so take advantage! Tell your friends, family, etc.
To trigger the sale price use this link. http://tinyurl.com/RPCMarchSale
That's it for now, folks. Be back soon.