Also, and I can't believe I forgot to post this, Reasonably Priced Comics #1 is now available on both DriveThruComics (in digital format) and IndyPlanet (in print). It'll also be available at select comic book shops on December 22nd.
The second issue of Reasonably Priced Comics is scheduled for release this spring and includes the second issue of Voyaga in addition to a second science fiction short-story from the British team of Alex De-Gruchy and Richard Durham and a slice-of-life feature from my friends Mike Nicols and Silvina Rinaldi (whom you'll note drew the story "Laces" in RPC#1 when you buy your copy, hint hint).
Before that's out, though, Jack Hammer: Political Science should be out the last week in January. Click here for a sneak preview of that issue's cover. Ionic has outdone himself again, you'll agree.
More to come, but in the meantime please let me know what you think of Voyaga. I really want to know! And remember, we're still collecting letters for the letters page in Jack Hammer #2.