First, what I know you're all looking for - more free comics! Last time, we had Motherhood, a low-key little sci-fi story and this time 'round, I bring you:
As a bonus, enjoy a flash fiction story I wrote awhile back that was recently published by Linguistic Erosion. It's called "Thirty-Five Is Not Enough" and is free to read on LE's website.
In more comics news, Comixology is spotlighting Action Lab Comics, and I think offering some deals. This does, of course, include Jack Hammer: Political Science. For only $6.99, you can read the entire first story arc of the series right here.
Miscellaneous updates:
*RED RUN is progressing nicely. I've recently gotten lettered pages for half the full book and I am shopping the book around for a publisher while Joel finishes up the art. Once again, for everyone who donated to the Indie Go Go campaign, my sincerest thanks for your generosity and for your patience. I know this has been a long-time coming, but I promise it's worth it.
Below is a sample, never before seen by anyone but the creative team:
*I will be at Boston Comic Con April 19th-20th, as usual. The con has tons of big-name guests this year, so come see me and then visit them so they don't feel left out. More details in a couple weeks.
*A couple people have asked when Jack Hammer: Usurper will be out. Short answer: Not sure, but I hope soon.
That's it for now, but check back often for updates and free comics and whatnot.
As always, drop me a line or leave comments. I really do want to hear what you think of my work, especially if you want to hire me for stuff.