Today, I want to talk a little about some of the things coming in 2017:
For prose, it'll be a very important year - my first novel THIS ROUGH OLD WORLD will be coming Q1 from Electric Pentacle Press. This Rough Old World is an occult-mystery set in late '60s Los Angeles, revolving around the fringes of the music scene and involing healthy doses of cosmic horror. It's a work that I hope will appeal to fans of both private eye and weird fiction and contains shadows of real events and people scattered throughout the work that will give sharp readers clues to a mystery within the mystery and reward them with a final reveal at the end. The publisher has gotten artist Wayne D. Miller onboard for the cover and I hope to be able to share it soon.
For shorter works, I have a new Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder (protagonist of my book THE CASTLE-TOWN TRAGEDY) story appearing in Occult Detective Quarterly Magazine #2, entitled "The Arcana of the Alleys". It features a much younger Carnacki than we've seen in either W.H. Hodgson's original stories or my own and in a place I don't believe anyone's ever sent him before... Check it out in March.

In this, I have a short crime story called "Limits", about how even the wildest men and women have points they can't be pushed past.
Check out that beautiful cover by artist Mal Earl! (Click to enlarge)
The Crime Quirks Gazette Case Files contains the entire CQG series, written by myself and drawn by Joe Badon, and will be published in an oversized paperback designed to mimic the broadsheet-style newspapers in which the comic pages are formatted. Many of you have asked me when the CQG will return and/or when it will see print, so I hope you're all as pleased as I am and I hope you'll support Joe and myself by picking up a copy!
Also in 2017, my all-ages, kid-friendly Lovecraftian horror comic The Grumpledowns Gang and the Case of the Mail-Order Shoggoths will be published by Ten31 Publishing. I've shared some art from this before, but now the line art is done and Josh Jensen is working on the colors and it's just coming out beautifully. I'm very proud of this work as I've long wanted to do something that can be enjoyed by readers of all ages. More info to come soon.
And, last but not least, hopefully sometime towards the end of the year, I hope to at last see the publication of The Colour Out of Space, the graphic adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's novel of the same name that I wrote, with pencils by Kurt Belcher and inks by Randy Haldeman. Colors on the book have--ironically or appropriately, you decide--been troublesome, but hopefully we've gotten that cleared up and the book should be finished soon. In the meantime, check out the cover mock-up below (line art by Kurt and Randy, colors by Sanderson Gonzaga; text mock-up is by me and not final).