Artist Name(s): Bill Blankenship (Pencils), Bill Blankenship (Colors)
Cover Artist(s): Bill Blankenship
32 pgs./ T / FC
With nothing left to lose, Monkey Business, one of Jack McGriskin's oldest super-powered enemies, cuts loose and rampages through the streets of Boston!
Jack is a tough guy, but even tough guys have vulnerabilities, things that get to them, and this is a story about something that affects Jack in an extremely deep way. After the events of the USURPER series, he's already been shaken up a bit by things he was forced to do, but this is a story that really rocks him to his core. These are events that will leave him questioning himself for a long time.
This a story that affected me while I wrote it -- I almost wasn't sure I could go through with it, but now, I think it's a story that I needed very much to tell. I hope readers will understand why when they read it for themselves.
Please make sure to ask your local comic shop to preorder it for you with the Diamond item code NOV171104, under Action Lab Entertainment.
You can also pre-order online from major retailers like Things From Another World!
Regular Diamond order cut-off date is 11/18, so make sure you get your order in, either at your comic shop or online, sooner rather than later!