Haven't updated in a bit, so here's what's new.
Two weeks ago, I was a guest at Boston Comic Con and, as expected, it was great. I got to meet a lot of cool people, a couple not so cool people (but that's expected anywhere you go, of course) and made a lot of new fans. At least based on sales, and for that I thank everyone who decided to support independent comics. I nearly sold out of Jack Hammer #1 copies, and sold a good two thirds of the copies of #2 I had, so my sincerest thanks go out once again to everyone who bought comics.
I also got a chance to pick up some great back issues (including the entire run of the Renegade Press issues of "Ms. Tree", whoo hoo!), but the real treasure I added was an original sketch of Jack McGriskin by one of my favorite writer/artists of all time...Howard Chaykin! My scanner is borked, but the photo below came out pretty well.
This past weekend, I was a guest at Granite Con in Manchester, NH. I wasn't sure what to expect of the con, as I'd been told it was pretty small (and the one "big name" guest cancelled a couple days before the show) but it turned out to be pretty fun. I met several folks I've only known online previously and made quite a number of new acquaintances. I also completely sold out of Jack Hammer #1 and sold a ton of copies of Reasonably Priced Comics #1 and #2. A bunch of people have already contacted me regarding Voyaga and I am very gratified that people are enjoying it. Voyaga started out as an experiment that I wasn't even sure I'd take beyond the first story, and it is truly a joy when someone tells me that they can't wait to read the next installment. So, again, my heart-felt thanks!
Speaking of Voyaga, next month is the release of Reasonably Priced Comics #3 which has (count 'em) TWO stories by yours truly. The first is part three of book one of Voyaga and if you read the last issue, I've got some surprises in store for you with this one. RPC#3 also has the first installment of WESTERN ADDITION, a new series I've been working on with artist Leandro Paganiban. As you can probably guess from the title, it's a western. You know, cuz I love me the classics and nothing is more classic than a good western.
Also this summer, Reasonably Priced Comics is doing a new over-sized one-shot of science fiction stories called "SCIENCE! Tales From the Edge of Human Knowledge" in which I'll have two stories. One is a short sci-fi story I originally wrote for another publisher who cancelled the book it was to appear in, but the second is a brand new story I did with Rowel Roque, an artist you may not have heard of but who is VERY talented and I feel very lucky to have stumbled across. Rowel also did the art for the story I have in the upcoming DEAD FUTURE graphic novel (out August 17th!) and it came out beautifully!
Long before that, though, at the end of this month (on the 25th) the first issue of EXTRAORDINARY from Grim Crew Comics is out. It's been delayed a bunch of times, but it's almost here finally. As you may recall, it has the first Hound story I wrote last year. Hound, of course, is another character in the world of JACK HAMMER, though he's got a little bit of a different perspective than Jack. Incidentally, the second issue is out this summer and it'll have a solo Stu story I'm working on with Ionic. I warn you, though, there are fart jokes.
Lastly, a story I did around the new year for Fan-Atic Press will be out in their new issue of Slam Bang (#46, or vol.III #5 if you prefer) in a couple weeks. It's a very different style of story than anything else I've done and I think you'll enjoy it. I'll let you know exactly how you can get a copy shortly or you can check out http://fanaticpress.com/.
That's it for now, but check back soon!