First, let's get you some free content to enjoy!
Back in October, my crime/horror short story "Score" appeared in issue 9 of Voluted Tales magazine. Check that out right here!
And speaking of crime, just yesterday, my new webcomic The Crime Quirks Gazette with my friend Joe launched! It's a new weekly feature about the weirdest, craziest (and sometimes dumbest) crimes and criminals on Earth! Go here to take a gander and make sure to book mark us, follow us on Tumblr, like us on Facebook, etc then check back every Saturday for a new issue of the Gazette!
Finally, some high-class for ya. Scifaikuest magazine featured FIVE of my poems in their November issue split between their online edition (2) and their print edition (3). For those of you not aware, Scifaikuest is a quarterly magazine of science-fiction, fantasy and horror-based poetry in various Japanese forms. There are two different editions of each, print and digital, each with its own completely unique content. Check that out right here and check back in February for their next issue.

As you'll recall, RED RUN is the horror book I did with Joel Cotejar that had more delays than a PanAm flight coming out of O'Hare. But, it's finally been unleashed on the world.
RED RUN is the story of the McConnells, a down-on-their-luck family desperately in need of a fresh start and a lucky break. When Becky is sucked into a cycle of recurring dreams filled with monstrously burned and disfigured people, her world unravels and her dreams start to become a nightmarish reality.
You can find it on Comixology by following the link below for less than $2 (5-star, rated, baby!)
Or I can hook you up with a physical copy, if you're inclined!

My first prose book The Altar in the Hills (and Other Weird Tales), collecting seven of my Lovecraftian weird works (two novellas, two short stories and two flash pieces) was published just this past week by Raven Warren Publishing. Check out that absolutely gorgeously-creepy artwork by George Cotronis.
It's currently on Amazon in both print (right now, on sale for $6.29) and Kindle ($2.99 currently, but check for a semi-"secret" sale very soon!) right here.
Your patronage is definitely appreciated, but so, very much, are reviews. Small press publishing lives or dies on word of mouth, and your five-star reviews are incredibly valuable to authors. Please check it out, and please add a nice review if you can. I'd appreciate it immensely.
Well, that's it for now. Hopefully, that'll tide you over for a little while and I promise to update more often in the new year!