Go read it and let me know what you think!
Enjoy mystery flash fiction "Devils in the Details", published over at Guilty Crime Story Magazine's flash fiction series, a couple years ago.
Go read it and let me know what you think!
I don't write much horror anymore, so I'm thrilled to announce my folk horror story "Dead Horse" is in the new issue of The Deeps Magazine! The Deeps is an annual publication of horror fiction and poetry, specializing in the subgenres of gothic horror, folk horror, cosmic horror, psychological horror, and urban legend. This issue of The Deeps features a cover illustration by Eva Mout and contains 7 literary contributions:
The first issue of a new magazine dropped recently, and includes my crime story, "Like a Good Neighbor," as the lead piece!
The publishers have made the entire first issue free to read as a downloadable PDF. Check it out here! Read my newest short story for free over at Shotgun Honey! Click here or the image below!
My new novel THE LAST REQUEST is out NOW from Bloodhound Books! Sixty million dollars. Five potential heirs. One house in remote rural Alaska. It’s a recipe for murder . . .
Summoned by letter, Holly Shaw and five of her cousins—virtual strangers to each other—have gathered at a grand house in the rugged wilds of Alaska. Equally unfamiliar to Holly is her great aunt Lydia, the woman who has called the family together and is dangling a massive inheritance before them. Her condition: they must remain in the house, with Lydia and her butler and caregiver, until she passes. Anyone not in residence at that time is out of the will, their share of the money split among the others. That night, everyone settles in. And the next morning, the murders begin . . . The new issue of Guilty Crime Story Magazine is out and includes my horse-track-themed story "Scratch Pace"! The new issue also includes:
"Her Big Win" by Luke Foster - Dart sees their chance to score, but Alli sees an opportunity of her own. "A Ring for Rosie" by Martine Elise Proctor - Poor but honest doesn't cut it for Rosie anymore. "Bassoon Trouble" by Susan Kuchinskas - Daddy always called Lucy "his little f*cker" for a reason. "One Lucky Punch" by Robb T. White - An instant of luck, a whole lot of trouble. "The Number of the Beast" by Michael Zimecki - A holy man can raise holy Hell if he chooses. 100% new content! So what are you waiting for? Get yours on Kindle or in print! I don't write much straight horror anymore, so this is exciting: my folk horror story "Dead Horse" will be in the next issue of The Deeps magazine from Spindle House Press. Check out the cover! And the TOC! More news when available!
I've alluded to this in the past, but the publisher revealed the cover and put up pre-order links today, so here you go: Sixty million dollars. Five potential heirs. Now all they need to do is survive... Summoned by letter, Holly Shaw and five of her cousins—virtual strangers to each other—have gathered at a grand house in the rugged wilds of Alaska. Equally unfamiliar to Holly is her great-aunt Lydia, who has called the family together and is dangling a massive inheritance before them. Her condition: they must remain in the house, with Lydia and her butler and caregiver, until she passes. Anyone not in residence at that time is out of the will, and their share of the money is split among the others. That night, everyone settles in. And the following day, the murders begin . . . This book is a fair bit outside of my usual oeuvre, but it's something I'm very proud of, and I hope you'll all give a chance. You can preorder the Kindle edition on Amazon or Amazon.uk now and the paperback pre-order is coming shortly. Book to be released in September! Got my contributor copy of the new issue of Saddlebag Dispatches, which includes my Mustang Award nominated story "Use Your Head"!
Brandon BarrowsI'm Brandon and I write comic books, prose and poetry. I own dozens of clever and interesting t-shirts. Archives
January 2025